Saturday, September 8, 2007

Naturally lean women have it all

In (1) middle aged women who remain lean, as compared to those who do not, are reported to have a higher "female" estrogen to "male" androgen ratio. These women have a high activity of P450 aromatase which converts their androgens to estrogens. The study also reports that naturally lean women "indicated higher education and socioeconomic status, frequent sports activities, and better psychosocial adaptation and psychological health."

OTOH women who do not convert androgens well tend to become obese and unhealthy both physically and emotionally.

Not only do the naturally lean women have less androgen in their body but the receptors they have for androgen are less sensitive than the other women per the article. It appears that excessive activity of male androgens in a female are the kiss of death for her health.

Bonus health points to the women with active love lives. Semen has P450 aromatase in it (2). You can figure out how a woman might get more P450 aromatase activity in her body. :)

The Lean Woman
Fariba Baghaei...
Obes Res. 2002;10: 115–121.

2. Hum Reprod. 2003 Aug;18(8):1650-9
Towards a physiological role for cytochrome P450 aromatase in ejaculated human sperm.
PMID: 12871877


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